Information resources

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Grenoble Site

The Law and Humanities University Library (Bibliothèque Universitaire Droit-Lettres - BU Droit-Lettres) provides a number of services: paper and digital resources, WiFi, reading rooms, group project rooms, loans, extended opening hours. You can register at the University Library with your student card. The law room (on the ground floor of the library) offers documents that will be useful for your studies: codes, textbooks, legal journals, etc. Online digital documents are also available via the library computers, or remotely with your UGA login credentials.
In addition to the BU Droit-Lettres, you have access to all of the libraries in the UGA documentary network.
> More information on the BU Droit-Lettres and the UGA documentary network

Both Grenoble Law School's research centers (CRJ (Legal Research Center) and CESICE (Centre for Research on International Security and European Cooperation)) also have a documentation center dedicated to their research topics, reserved for instructor-researchers, doctoral students and master 2 students.
> More information on the Law School's research documentation center

Valence Site

As a student in Valence, you can access documentary resources on Learning Center Rodolphe Pesce.
You can also access the Public and University Media Library of Valence (Médiathèque Publique et Universitaire de Valence), which offers books, magazines and media publications, in order to optimize your work.
You also have access to all of the digital resources offered by the Bibliothèque Universitaire Droit-Lettres (Law and Humanities University Library) in Grenoble through its website.
> More information on the BU Droit-Lettres and the UGA documentary network


The Digital French-Language Law University (Université Numérique Juridique Francophone - UNJF) is a virtual university that offers free online courses to the students of partner universities. These courses are given by instructors who are specialists in their fields. However, please note that these courses cannot serve as a replacement for the instruction given in person by Grenoble Law School instructors, on which students will be evaluated: like textbooks, however, they may be used as a free, supplementary documentary resource.
> More information on the UNJF    
To access the courses, visit the website Then click on the "connexion" tab (on the upper right of the home page). You must enter your university affiliation (University of Grenoble Alpes) and the login credentials provided with your student card.                                                    

Published on  September 23, 2020
Updated on August 26, 2022