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The success and professional integration of our students is one of our priority missions.

This is why the Faculty is committed to strengthening and developing collaborations with all legal professionals and enriching its partnerships.

By becoming a privileged partner, you can strengthen your visibility with our students who will be tomorrow your best assets.

Participate in our events

To enhance the development of the dynamics of relations with the Faculty of Law, you can participate in our events. By sharing your skills and professional experiences with our students, you will also meet those who will be your employees tomorrow.

Internship Dating

This event is held every year in November, in the premises of the Faculty of Law. Reserved for our M2 students, you can meet them, to recruit your future trainees, according to the profile and specialization you are looking for during brief interviews. For more information on our Masters 2, click here.

Forum for law related jobs

Also based in the Faculty of Law, open to all courses provided by the Faculty, it brings together more than 40 legal professionals each year. Through your participation, you allow our students to become acquainted with all the trades and functions that can be provided by lawyers and to discover the requirements of these functions.

Published on  December 16, 2019
Updated on May 17, 2021