Témoignage d'un étudiant international

International, Vie étudiante
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Découvrez le témoignage de Konrad Rutkowski, étudiant polonais inscrit au DU Diploma in Legal Studies, à la Faculté de droit de Grenoble.
" Studying in Grenoble is an extraordinary way to broaden your horizons. People from all over the world, participate in the DU Diploma in Legal Studies. The courses include not only interesting lectures, but also give an opportunity to work in a group. In that way, we can work on our presentation, speaking and legal writing skills. The subjects taught during the DU Diploma in Legal Studies address various branches of law and the plan itself is very comprehensive. Some focus on the French legal system, while other deal with international issues. There are courses, which focus on history, development of institutions and courses, which address problems of modern world.  What I found the most interesting is that visiting lecturers and practitioners from all over the world are invited to share their knowledge. The diploma is a great combination of theory and practice. In addition, living in Grenoble is an amazing experience. The city is surrounded by mountains, which gives you the opportunity to spend your free time in active ways, such as hiking or skiing. I would recommend everyone to join this unique programme of DU Diploma in Legal Studies in a such beautiful place."

Konrad Rutkowski
Publié le  10 mars 2023
Mis à jour le  1 juillet 2024